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Serving Linwood, NJ & Surrounding Areas

  • "The smallest change in how you look can make the biggest difference
    in how you feel."

    -Marc D. Feldman M.D., FACS

Skin Resurfacing

Skin rejuvenation and resurfacing can be achieved in a number of ways, ranging from laser, light and other energy-based treatments to chemical peels and other non-ablative methods. If you would like to improve the surface and appearance of your skin, reduce fine lines, surface irregularities such as scarring, uneven pigmentation and sun damage, then skin resurfacing may be right for you.

Procedural steps:

A variety of lasers and intense pulsed light devices achieve a wide range of benefits. Chemical solutions of varying types and concentrations are applied to peel the skin surface allowing new skin to form.

Your results:

Any flaking or crusting should resolve in 5-10 days. Results may appear in 10-14 days. Skin is most likely pink or flush for 1-6 months.

For less severe problems, mechanical resurfacing devices like microderm abrasion performed by our esthetician, use a fine abrasive to scrape the skin surface to a controlled depth; generally used to improve the surface of the skin.

Enhancing your appearance with skin rejuvenation and resurfacing

If you want to improve the appearance of your skin, skin rejuvenation or resurfacing may be right for you. Skin rejuvenation can be achieved in a number of ways, ranging from laser, light and other energy-based treatments to chemical peels and other non-ablative methods. The result is a smoother, clearer and more youthful appearance to your skin.

What can skin rejuvenation treat?

Skin rejuvenation is a treatment to resurface your skin, or to improve the texture, clarity and overall appearance of your skin. Conditions that can be treated include:

Is it right for me?

While not as involved as surgical cosmetic procedures, skin rejuvenation is a medical procedure. You should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image. Skin rejuvenation is an option for you if:

Be prepared to discuss:

Dr. Feldman may also:

Important facts about the safety and risks of skin rejuvenation treatment

The decision to have a skin rejuvenation treatment is extremely personal and you’ll have to decide if the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks and potential complications are acceptable. Dr. Feldman and staff will explain in detail the risks associated with your procedure. You will be asked to sign consent forms to ensure that you fully understand the procedure you will undergo and any risks and potential complications.

The risks include:


The Most Common Procedures We Perform:


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